Festival Central (2010)
One of the core blocks of my work for IF is to capture the atmosphere of all that goes on at Festival Central, the home of the Spiegeltent shows, the Arabian Tent free acoustic shows, free family games and entertainment, food and drink offerings and such, where folk and families can just gather and hang out. The heart of IF really.
The festival also engages with many volunteers (the people in pink IF shirts! Purple is for staff and black for production team FYI) who are integral to delivering the overall visitor experience across the City. This shot from 2010 (there are hundreds from this location alone!) was chosen by The Stables as it encapsulates the volunteer, audience and festival feeling.
Despite the quite literal intent and moment-capture, Iβm always seeking to include a visual aesthetic in all my work and feel the sight lines work particularly well in this image, naturally bringing your focus towards the volunteer.